Am I going too far with my love of vintage? Even the iron that I use is vintage! I think it's from the early 60's or late 50's, anyway, you can hardly regulate the temperature and you have to kind of push down on it as you iron. I've used other people's "modern" irons and realize what a huge difference there is in the effortless way the other ones glide over the material, but I just can't bring myself to get rid of this one! However, when I move my workshop to the boutique, I'll have to buy another to have here at home. Not because I iron any clothes (heavens, no!) but because I'll surely have some work to do here at home from time to time. So I guess I'll just have to modernize!
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trop fort le coup du fer à repasser...
Rédigé par : armelle | 06 juin 2007 à 23:37